an 8-week intensive to supercharge your online business and wealth

Join Astrologer Paula Crossfield for a wealth initiation and online business accelerator for spiritual entrepreneurs. This 2-month intimate group container is here to support you to step more powerfully into your gifts, provide tools you can use at any stage of business for creating an energetic match with your dream clients, and serves as an initiation into self-funded wealth.

The next round starts September 22nd!

Join now and receive a free audio birth chart reading based on your questions


Make Money. Make a difference. Don't make more karma.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?


You love what you do, but you’ve thought of throwing in the towel since you can’t make the kind of money you need to be making

You wish you could make more money, but aren’t sure what to offer to get there

You want your business to feel more spacious, and aligned, but find yourself feeling exhausted trying to keep up with other online creators

You wish you were more comfortable selling your offerings, but are hung up on how to do that as a spiritual practitioner

You wish you had the confidence to step more fully into your gifts

I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.


Starting Mid-September

are you ready to step into your power and create the business and life you are dreaming of?

Join the next round starting sept 22


Join and Gain Confidence in:

  • Clarity on your numbers and what you are calling in, and how to use goal and intention setting to bring your dream life into focus

  • Cast a vision for your business and life, and teach you how to use that vision to connect to your ideal clients

  • Explore limiting beliefs & flip the script so you can turn your mind into a creation lab

  • Utilize spiritual tools like mantra, meditation, word spells and yoga nidra to reprogram yourself

  • Look at how to create wealth portals successfully for your business (you won’t want to miss the chance to get hot seat coaching on your offer ideas!)

  • Get really clear about what to say when someone asks “what do you do?” so you get sales and referrals with ease

  • Discuss how we can better align with our purpose, and what it takes to manifest without producing more bad karma

  • Better understand how to align with the planets, and how to tap into their support 

  • Be more confident in getting sales, and creating an energetic match with your ideal clients

What if your business was more cosmically aligned, soul nourishing, and rooted in the earth?


This is an experience designed to give people with a spiritual business what they need to create a monetary breakthrough. 

 This program contains six core pillars with practical and spiritual tools to help you align with your unique purpose and create from that place - including working with planetary energies, decoding our words and limiting beliefs, and taking practical steps in your business to gain clarity and be able to take action so you can truly thrive.

PLUS, in this round you get the chance to upgrade for 1-on-1 access to me to help you apply the knowledge of the course and start building a business you love that gives you the freedom to build the life you want!

There are only 2 spots left for the upgrade, and the program is limited to 30 so that I know each of your businesses.

Join now to get a jumpstart into the material and be ready for our first session September 22!

Meetings are every Thursday starting Sept 22 - November 17th from 11-12am ET except for Oct 27th and November 3rd. If you can’t come live we will take questions in advance and make sure you get support!

Connect with me now to see if you are a fit:


 Here’s what’s included


Six course modules:

Exploring the key practical and spiritual tools you need to thrive in your business.


Six guest taught classes:

Learn from guest teachers on vedic chanting, money as shakti, vastu, human design and more to help support you in your business


Live support

Live Q&As on the material, your offers and your business, as well as personalized strategy advice (this alone is priceless!)


Guided meditations:

Guided practice recordings of meditations, a word spell, and a specific Vedic mantra taught by my teacher, Shantala Sriramaiah.



A private Facebook group to connect with each other and share resources, and connection calls to network and integrate the material.



Lifetime access to the course material. (This is so helpful because these are tools to come back to again and again no matter your stage in business)

Plus all course materials are available in a podcast so you can listen on the go!


This is for you if:

You are a healer, coach or guide working primarily online or looking to create an online offering to grow your income

You are ready to leap to the next level in your business, and to get uncomfortable in order to help you step into your potential

You have the desire to make a big impact or you have big dreams but not yet the money to make them happen

You actually care about what is happening in the world and want to help people and not make more bad karma for yourself

You are available to make time for this program (It involves weaving in practice time, showing up to live sessions, some homework, and following up on what we work on together)

You know you need to invest in yourself and your business to get to the level you want to be at


This is not for you if:

You are not open to spiritual solutions or no interest in Vedic wisdom traditions

You haven’t got a business yet, or you don’t know what skills you could use to create one

You are unwilling to do the uncomfortable work to make change and are not interested in making more money

You don’t believe that your mindset has an impact on the outcomes you get in your business


  • Program

    Includes over 20 hours of course content, plus live Q&As with Paula

  • upgrade

    Program access plus 2 months of 1-on-1 support: Paula’s eyes on your messaging, offers, social media presence and a deeper dive into your birth chart. Book a call to see if you are a fit.

We start September 22

are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Join the next round now

If you are still here with me, you must be interested. Maybe you are asking yourself “will this work for me?” To which I say: it will if you are willing to put in the work. 

I truly believe that no matter your money karma, you can make $10k a month

This amount is not arbitrary – I’m on a mission to help 1000 spiritual coaches, healers and guides get to consistent $10k months because hitting this level in my business was a major turning point for me to truly thrive (in a small town in Oregon, being able to pay my taxes with ease, not having to worry about rent and grocery money, saving for things that were important to me, etc.)

Maybe you are looking at the price tag of this program and it makes you nervous. I see you, and respect that! (It would have made me nervous three years ago, too!)

Here is one thing I know:

One of the things that expedited my earning was taking a big scary leap and investing in myself. I signed up for a program that I didn’t yet know how I would pay for, but I believed in myself and I wanted to grow. 

That month, I doubled my income!

These investments are a purification and the medicine that can spur our mind to connect with universal intelligence and help us to find new solutions. Using the tools inside the program you can create the receptivity in your mind to bring those ideas into focus.




when you sign up, you’ll receive access to “The Planets”

The Planets Course is about the nine archetypes so you can better understand how to work with these energies, what karma is and more. This course helps you take the material in Your Magnetic Blueprint deeper.




“I have retreats in place now that are more expensive, and more elaborate. […] I have three coming up this year and I’m using social media as my way out there, now in a very disciplined way.“

- Adela Bustamente

“[Paula] is very authentic. You can relate very easily to her…in [having] the big dreams, but [still being] normal. [In Your Magnetic Blueprint] I made quantum jumps.”

- Anne Löper

"Right after the class I was offered 2 very public speaking engagements. I see my business growing in collaborations for now in the next 6 months, but continuing to put the work into the hybrid program that I’ve had on my mind for years, and years, and years, and wasn’t working on outside of my mind."

- Sierra Velasquez

“It was very inspiring to see how Paula was evolving as she started her [own] online business, [and] how she was able to grow in a period of two years or so..For me, [that] gave a lot of credibility. I’m like, ‘I want to learn from her.’”

- Fadua Musalem

“Living in that cosmic rhythm is something that Paula supports so incredibly well, in such a precise, professional, compassionate, well-rounded way, [which] is totally invaluable.”

- Kate Smith-Jamison

“I’m [now] able to take these small steps every day towards making my business a reality… The value of working with Paula is that she’s just very grounded. She radiates this calm centeredness, stability, and an attitude of being able to handle whatever comes.”

- Kimberly Giunta


You may also be wondering:

Who am I to be sharing this info with you?

hi, I’m Paula


Vedic Astrologer | Business Coach | Wealth Advocate for Spiritual Entrepreneurs| Regenerative Farmer

We need to step into our gifts unapologetically so that we can shift the collective, or collectively perish.

(Someone had to say it!)

I help you do this by getting into the trenches of your karmic map with you and giving you powerful and strategic practical remedies.

When not doing this work, find me on my 160 acre farm in unceded Wabanaki Territory in what is now rural Maine with my husband, eight chickens, and a pup named Sukha casting charts and studying astrology, growing herbs & veggies, and canning & cooking in my linen apron, while giving thousands of dollars to indigenous causes. You can also find me in winter tucked in front of the wood stove with a historical novel (Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre are two of my favorites).

How did I get here? Let me tell you the story.