Eight Ways Astrology Helps You in Your Business

Astrology is an essential tool I use every day in my work (and life) to get a more refined view of what is going on, and to empower my actions.

It is my added assurance that the universe has my back!

There are many ways astrology can specifically help you in your business, such as to:

  • Better understand yourself and how to craft a business aligned with your strengths. Your blueprint is a guide to your unique gifts and talents, and you can use that information to accentuate your strengths.

  • Help you align with the exact kinds of clients you should be working with, because you are clear on what you are looking for.

  • Find elegant timing for launching a program or website, delivering a pitch, signing a contract, or even for resting.

  • Build a team that compliments your skills, amplifies existing good karma (while counteracting the bad), and stays in harmony.

  • Know what brand colors to use and what the best days of the week are for you to have meetings, send your newsletter and go live.

  • Understand your personal money karma, and how to create a vision for and partner with the right people to support your financial success.

  • Get remedies for areas of struggle that may be keeping you from the level of success you want in your business.

  • Understand planetary influences, navigate them more skillfully, and get a language and lens for what you are experiencing.

If you want to use this strategy in your business, coupled with my knowledge of online marketing, launching and messaging, I currently have limited openings available for my high-support 3 or 6-month coaching container.

This is for serious spiritually-centered entrepreneurs looking to create a thriving income through work that truly lights them up, who have a desire to share their gifts in a 1:1 offering, group program or course, and want a pathway and accountability.

If you are more advanced in your business and looking specifically for astrological strategy, I'm also offering a limited number of month-long astrological VIP support with two 60-minute intensives for you (and your team if you'd like), a Google calendar made specifically for your business, and 30 days of Voxer support.

You can sign up for a connection call here to see if you are a good fit for either of these offerings.


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